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Month: May 2011


Waktu SD dulu, saya suka bergonta-ganti ekstrakurikuler. Kelas 1 SD melukis, kelas 2-3 teater. Kenapa tidak konsisten begitu? Karena…. ah, susah dijelaskan. Saya cuma merasa ekstrakurikuler itu tidak cocok untuk saya. Nah, setelah hengkang dari teater, terus apa? Saya ikut sebuah ekstrakurikuler yang dinamakan SIAS. SIAS adalah Sanggar Ilmiah ala Sekolah Saya. :mrgreen: Singkatannya memang seperti itu, kok.

Jadi alkisah, saya berkenalan dengan ekstrakurikuler tersebut dan langsung suka. Saya jadi bisa lebih sering memegang-megang mikroskop dan kit-kit di lab sains SD. Walhasil, jadilah lab tersebut salah satu spot favorit saya waktu itu. Saya mengenal peralatan laboratorium dari sana. Saya masih ingat ketika percobaan mengamati pernafasan pada tumbuhan air (yang pakai labu Erlenmeyer dan tabung reaksi dibalik itu), juga percobaan rangkaian listrik dinamis dengan kit listrik.

Tapi yang paling berkesan bukan percobaan-percobaan itu. SIAS memperkenalkan saya pada metodologi ilmiah. Saat materi tentang metodologi ilmiah, selain mengajarkan bagaimana cara menyusun laporan ilmiah, guru pembina saya juga mengajarkan pentingnya berpikir kritis. Saya masih ingat waktu itu beliau memberi tugas yang kira-kira seperti ini:

Saya akan menunjukkan sebuah objek. Cari minimal 20 deskripsi dari benda ini, kalau sudah kumpulkan ke saya di ruang guru.

Kemudian beliau menempelkan secarik kertas putih polos ke papan tulis dan langsung pergi.

Saya, seperti anak-anak lain jelas bingung. Saya lupa apakah saya berhasil menyelesaikannya atau tidak. Ah, yang jelas itu mengubah cara pandang saya terhadap mata pelajaran sains untuk selama-lamanya. 😀

Selain SIAS, waktu itu saya juga ikut ekstrakurikuler lain yang saya lupa namanya. Katanya, yang masuk ekstrakurikuler tersebut anak pilihan. Dan pilihannya adalah berdasarkan mata pelajaran. Singkat cerita, saya masuk ekstrakurikuler tersebut melalui jalur IPS. Ya, waktu itu saya memang jago IPS meski tahun depannya malah mendapat juara 2 olimpiade matematika yang diadakan sekolah *lho*. Yang ini pengalamannya nggak seberapa, sih. Tapi saya mulai jadi lebih jago pengetahuan umum sejak itu, yang menyebabkan saya direkrut menjadi pengada soal pengetahuan umum untuk sebuah lomba di SMA saya (yang baru saja berakhir).

Seingat saya, ekstrakurikuler tersebut sebenarnya cuma semacam pengayaan. Pembinaan, kalau pakai istilah olimpiade sains di SMA saya sekarang. 😆


A Lesson to Remember

It was the day of my appointment as a leader. That time, I can’t help but lamenting on the ridiculousness of what happened: how come some overly introverted and deficient person appointed to lead a group of eighteen people? But she who placed me in that unfitting position seemed to know what she had decided, and she looked like she had made the correct decision. “Perhaps I’m the best of the worst,” I tried to give myself some “motivation”.

Even with all the halfheartedness, I striven to serve the people I was leading. Yet, as I had predicted, they wouldn’t listen to me at all. Or maybe only a little. When there’s fault that happen to came to the people I lead, it was I who must took the responsibility. Briefly said, it was pathetic.

Another day, I lost my faith in myself and asking for my resignation to the person who appointed me back then. But what that person has said to me? “You really don’t understand what being a leader means”. And so, with my request rejected, I wondered about what she said. I still haven’t found the answer until the time I took an even greater responsibility came.

I was elected as leader of an organization, this time far bigger and higher than the previously mentioned. And what followed was exactly the same as happened before. I felt nothing but helplessness. The organization I was leading was nothing than just list of people. I even didn’t took part in an important event that should have me involved. In the end, I met a terrible failure. I believe I was ruining my organization, though no one has said I had done so.

And that’s how my years of leading passed. The days after that, I only wondering of those blunders I’ve made those times. And, well, I realize that all I used to be wasn’t a leader at all. I just telling people whom I thought to be my subordinates to do this and that without even listening and understanding them. There are way too many mistakes to explain here, I suppose.

But the least I could learn from those failing days was: leading is a heavy burden and one should not have pride just because oneself is a leader because it is nothing to be proud of. And that’s why I always respect the people who act as my leader, because leading is not a simple matter.

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